Get a list of events


Resource URL{accountname}/events



 1use Ticketmatic\Endpoints\Events;
 3$result = Events::getlist($client, array(
 4    "context" => array(
 5        "saleschannelid" => 3,
 6    ),
 7    "filter" => "select id from tm.event where locationid=1",
 8    "lastupdatesince" => "2014-09-26 15:24:36",
 9    "limit" => 100,
10    "offset" => 100,
11    "orderby" => "name",
12    "output" => "withlookup",
13    "searchterm" => "Live",
14    "simplefilter" => array(
15        "productionid" => 4,
16    ),
19// The parameters array is optional, it can be omitted when empty.
20$result = Events::getlist($client);


  1object(Ticketmatic\Endpoints\EventsList) (1) {
  2  ["data"]=>
  3  array(1) {
  4    [0]=>
  5    object(\Ticketmatic\Model\Event) (54) {
  6      ["id"]=>
  7      int(0)
  8      ["name"]=>
  9      string(11) "Bonobo Live"
 10      ["audiopreviewurl"]=>
 11      string(92) ""
 12      ["availability"]=>
 13      array(1) {
 14        [0]=>
 15        object(\Ticketmatic\Model\EventContingentAvailability) (10) {
 16          ["complimentary"]=>
 17          int(0)
 18          ["free"]=>
 19          int(0)
 20          ["locked_hard"]=>
 21          int(0)
 22          ["locked_soft"]=>
 23          int(0)
 24          ["reserved"]=>
 25          int(0)
 26          ["sold_paid"]=>
 27          int(0)
 28          ["sold_unpaid"]=>
 29          int(0)
 30          ["tickettypeid"]=>
 31          int(0)
 32          ["total"]=>
 33          int(0)
 34          ["lastupdatets"]=>
 35          object(\DateTime) (3) {
 36            ["date"]=>
 37            string(26) "2015-05-29 09:21:10.38252.000000"
 38            ["timezone_type"]=>
 39            int(3)
 40            ["timezone"]=>
 41            string(3) "UTC"
 42          }
 43        }
 44      }
 45      ["code"]=>
 46      string(12) "864056970700"
 47      ["contingents"]=>
 48      array(1) {
 49        [0]=>
 50        object(\Ticketmatic\Model\EventContingent) (8) {
 51          ["id"]=>
 52          int(0)
 53          ["name"]=>
 54          string(7) "Tickets"
 55          ["amount"]=>
 56          int(0)
 57          ["eventid"]=>
 58          int(0)
 59          ["eventspecificprices"]=>
 60          NULL
 61          ["locks"]=>
 62          array(0) {
 63          }
 64          ["pricelistid"]=>
 65          int(0)
 66          ["withimportedbarcodes"]=>
 67          bool(false)
 68        }
 69      }
 70      ["currentstatus"]=>
 71      int(0)
 72      ["description"]=>
 73      string(84) "Panda Dub, leading man of the french dub scene returns with a new show: Circle Live!"
 74      ["endts"]=>
 75      object(\DateTime) (3) {
 76        ["date"]=>
 77        string(26) "2014-09-26 15:24:36.000000"
 78        ["timezone_type"]=>
 79        int(3)
 80        ["timezone"]=>
 81        string(3) "UTC"
 82      }
 83      ["externalcode"]=>
 84      string(11) "56975647832"
 85      ["image"]=>
 86      string(92) ""
 87      ["info"]=>
 88      string(34) "Lockers available in the basement."
 89      ["layout"]=>
 90      object(\Ticketmatic\Model\Layout) (2) {
 91        ["color"]=>
 92        string(7) "#112233"
 93        ["maxImage"]=>
 94        bool(true)
 95      }
 96      ["locationid"]=>
 97      int(0)
 98      ["locationname"]=>
 99      string(12) "Concert hall"
100      ["maxnbrofticketsperbasket"]=>
101      int(0)
102      ["optinsetid"]=>
103      int(0)
104      ["previews"]=>
105      array(3) {
106        [0]=>
107        object(\Ticketmatic\Model\EventPreview) (2) {
108          ["type"]=>
109          int(0)
110          ["url"]=>
111          string(43) ""
112        }
113        [1]=>
114        object(\Ticketmatic\Model\EventPreview) (2) {
115          ["type"]=>
116          int(0)
117          ["url"]=>
118          string(43) ""
119        }
120        [2]=>
121        object(\Ticketmatic\Model\EventPreview) (2) {
122          ["type"]=>
123          int(0)
124          ["url"]=>
125          string(215) ""
126        }
127      }
128      ["prices"]=>
129      object(\Ticketmatic\Model\EventPrices) (1) {
130        ["contingents"]=>
131        array(1) {
132          [0]=>
133          object(\Ticketmatic\Model\EventPricesContingent) (2) {
134            ["contingentid"]=>
135            int(0)
136            ["pricetypes"]=>
137            array(1) {
138              [0]=>
139              object(\Ticketmatic\Model\EventPricesPricetype) (2) {
140                ["pricetypeid"]=>
141                int(0)
142                ["saleschannels"]=>
143                array(1) {
144                  [0]=>
145                  object(\Ticketmatic\Model\EventPricesSaleschannel) (5) {
146                    ["costs"]=>
147                    array(1) {
148                      [0]=>
149                      object(\Ticketmatic\Model\EventPricesCost) (2) {
150                        ["cost"]=>
151                        float(5.000000)
152                        ["costid"]=>
153                        int(0)
154                      }
155                    }
156                    ["price"]=>
157                    float(30.500000)
158                    ["saleschannelid"]=>
159                    int(0)
160                    ["servicecharge"]=>
161                    float(1.500000)
162                    ["tickettypepriceid"]=>
163                    int(0)
164                  }
165                }
166              }
167            }
168          }
169        }
170      }
171      ["productionid"]=>
172      int(0)
173      ["publishedts"]=>
174      object(\DateTime) (3) {
175        ["date"]=>
176        string(26) "2014-09-26 15:24:36.000000"
177        ["timezone_type"]=>
178        int(3)
179        ["timezone"]=>
180        string(3) "UTC"
181      }
182      ["queuetoken"]=>
183      int(0)
184      ["revenuesplitid"]=>
185      int(0)
186      ["saleendts"]=>
187      object(\DateTime) (3) {
188        ["date"]=>
189        string(26) "2014-09-26 15:24:36.000000"
190        ["timezone_type"]=>
191        int(3)
192        ["timezone"]=>
193        string(3) "UTC"
194      }
195      ["saleschannels"]=>
196      array(1) {
197        [0]=>
198        object(\Ticketmatic\Model\EventSalesChannel) (6) {
199          ["eventid"]=>
200          int(0)
201          ["haswaitinglist"]=>
202          bool(false)
203          ["isactive"]=>
204          bool(true)
205          ["saleendts"]=>
206          object(\DateTime) (3) {
207            ["date"]=>
208            string(26) "2014-09-26 15:24:36.000000"
209            ["timezone_type"]=>
210            int(3)
211            ["timezone"]=>
212            string(3) "UTC"
213          }
214          ["saleschannelid"]=>
215          int(0)
216          ["salestartts"]=>
217          NULL
218        }
219      }
220      ["salestartts"]=>
221      object(\DateTime) (3) {
222        ["date"]=>
223        string(26) "2014-09-26 15:24:36.000000"
224        ["timezone_type"]=>
225        int(3)
226        ["timezone"]=>
227        string(3) "UTC"
228      }
229      ["salestatusmessagesid"]=>
230      int(0)
231      ["schedule"]=>
232      string(38) "20:00 support act
23321:00 show
23422:30 end"
235      ["seatallowsingle"]=>
236      bool(false)
237      ["seated_chartkey"]=>
238      string(0) ""
239      ["seated_contingents"]=>
240      array(1) {
241        [0]=>
242        object(\Ticketmatic\Model\EventContingent) (8) {
243          ["id"]=>
244          int(0)
245          ["name"]=>
246          string(7) "Tickets"
247          ["amount"]=>
248          int(0)
249          ["eventid"]=>
250          int(0)
251          ["eventspecificprices"]=>
252          NULL
253          ["locks"]=>
254          array(0) {
255          }
256          ["pricelistid"]=>
257          int(0)
258          ["withimportedbarcodes"]=>
259          bool(false)
260        }
261      }
262      ["seatingplancontingents"]=>
263      array(2) {
264        [0]=>
265        object(\Ticketmatic\Model\EventSeatingplanContingent) (5) {
266          ["id"]=>
267          int(0)
268          ["name"]=>
269          string(6) "Name A"
270          ["amount"]=>
271          int(0)
272          ["eventid"]=>
273          int(0)
274          ["seatrankid"]=>
275          int(0)
276        }
277        [1]=>
278        object(\Ticketmatic\Model\EventSeatingplanContingent) (5) {
279          ["id"]=>
280          int(0)
281          ["name"]=>
282          string(6) "Name B"
283          ["amount"]=>
284          int(0)
285          ["eventid"]=>
286          int(0)
287          ["seatrankid"]=>
288          int(0)
289        }
290      }
291      ["seatingplaneventspecificprices"]=>
292      object(\Ticketmatic\Model\PricelistPrices) (2) {
293        ["prices"]=>
294        array(2) {
295          [0]=>
296          object(\Ticketmatic\Model\PricelistPrice) (5) {
297            ["availabilities"]=>
298            array(1) {
299              [0]=>
300              bool(true)
301            }
302            ["position"]=>
303            int(0)
304            ["prices"]=>
305            array(1) {
306              [0]=>
307              float(25.000000)
308            }
309            ["pricetypeid"]=>
310            int(0)
311            ["saleschannels"]=>
312            array(2) {
313              [0]=>
314              int(0)
315              [1]=>
316              int(0)
317            }
318          }
319          [1]=>
320          object(\Ticketmatic\Model\PricelistPrice) (6) {
321            ["availabilities"]=>
322            array(1) {
323              [0]=>
324              bool(true)
325            }
326            ["conditions"]=>
327            array(1) {
328              [0]=>
329              object(\Ticketmatic\Model\PricelistPriceCondition) (2) {
330                ["type"]=>
331                string(9) "promocode"
332                ["value"]=>
333                string(9) "UGENT2013"
334              }
335            }
336            ["position"]=>
337            int(0)
338            ["prices"]=>
339            array(1) {
340              [0]=>
341              float(30.000000)
342            }
343            ["pricetypeid"]=>
344            int(0)
345            ["saleschannels"]=>
346            array(2) {
347              [0]=>
348              int(0)
349              [1]=>
350              int(0)
351            }
352          }
353        }
354        ["seatrankids"]=>
355        NULL
356      }
357      ["seatingplanid"]=>
358      int(0)
359      ["seatingplanpricelistid"]=>
360      int(0)
361      ["seatselection"]=>
362      bool(false)
363      ["segmentationtags"]=>
364      array(2) {
365        [0]=>
366        string(4) "tag1"
367        [1]=>
368        string(4) "tag2"
369      }
370      ["servicemailids"]=>
371      array(2) {
372        [0]=>
373        int(0)
374        [1]=>
375        int(0)
376      }
377      ["shortdescription"]=>
378      string(84) "Panda Dub, leading man of the french dub scene returns with a new show: Circle Live!"
379      ["socialdistance"]=>
380      int(0)
381      ["startts"]=>
382      object(\DateTime) (3) {
383        ["date"]=>
384        string(26) "2014-09-26 15:24:36.000000"
385        ["timezone_type"]=>
386        int(3)
387        ["timezone"]=>
388        string(3) "UTC"
389      }
390      ["subtitle"]=>
391      string(14) "With live band"
392      ["subtitle2"]=>
393      string(17) "Exclusive concert"
394      ["tags"]=>
395      array(2) {
396        [0]=>
397        string(10) "event tag1"
398        [1]=>
399        string(10) "event tag2"
400      }
401      ["ticketfeeid"]=>
402      int(0)
403      ["ticketinfoid"]=>
404      int(0)
405      ["ticketlayoutid"]=>
406      int(0)
407      ["totalmaxtickets"]=>
408      int(0)
409      ["translations"]=>
410      array(2) {
411        ["nameen"]=>
412        string(12) "English name"
413        ["namefr"]=>
414        string(12) "Nom francais"
415      }
416      ["upsellid"]=>
417      int(0)
418      ["waitinglisttype"]=>
419      int(0)
420      ["webremark"]=>
421      string(35) "Age will be checked at the entrance"
422      ["createdts"]=>
423      object(\DateTime) (3) {
424        ["date"]=>
425        string(26) "2014-09-26 15:24:36.000000"
426        ["timezone_type"]=>
427        int(3)
428        ["timezone"]=>
429        string(3) "UTC"
430      }
431      ["lastupdatets"]=>
432      object(\DateTime) (3) {
433        ["date"]=>
434        string(26) "2014-09-26 15:24:36.000000"
435        ["timezone_type"]=>
436        int(3)
437        ["timezone"]=>
438        string(3) "UTC"
439      }
440    }
441  }


 1import (
 2    ""
 3    ""
 6result, err := events.Getlist(client, &ticketmatic.EventQuery{
 7    Context: &ticketmatic.EventContext{
 8        Saleschannelid: 3,
 9    },
10    Filter: "select id from tm.event where locationid=1",
11    Lastupdatesince: ticketmatic.NewTime(ticketmatic.MustParseTime("2014-09-26 15:24:36")),
12    Limit: 100,
13    Offset: 100,
14    Orderby: "name",
15    Output: "withlookup",
16    Searchterm: "Live",
17    Simplefilter: &ticketmatic.EventFilter{
18        Productionid: 4,
19    },
22// The query object is optional, it can be omitted when empty.
23result, err := events.Getlist(client, nil)


  1result := events.&List{
  2    Data: []*ticketmatic.Event{
  3        &ticketmatic.Event{
  4            Id: 1269434,
  5            Name: "Bonobo Live",
  6            Audiopreviewurl: "",
  7            Availability: []*ticketmatic.EventContingentAvailability{
  8                &ticketmatic.EventContingentAvailability{
  9                    Complimentary: 0,
 10                    Free: 815,
 11                    LockedHard: 10,
 12                    LockedSoft: 15,
 13                    Reserved: 0,
 14                    SoldPaid: 0,
 15                    SoldUnpaid: 0,
 16                    Tickettypeid: 89,
 17                    Total: 840,
 18                    Lastupdatets: ticketmatic.NewTime(ticketmatic.MustParseTime("2015-05-29 09:21:10.38252")),
 19                },
 20            },
 21            Code: "864056970700",
 22            Contingents: []*ticketmatic.EventContingent{
 23                &ticketmatic.EventContingent{
 24                    Id: 98,
 25                    Name: "Tickets",
 26                    Amount: 100,
 27                    Eventid: 777701,
 28                    Eventspecificprices: nil,
 29                    Locks: []*ticketmatic.EventContingentLock{
 30                    },
 31                    Pricelistid: 6,
 32                    Withimportedbarcodes: false,
 33                },
 34            },
 35            Currentstatus: 19001,
 36            Description: "Panda Dub, leading man of the french dub scene returns with a new show: Circle Live!",
 37            Endts: ticketmatic.NewTime(ticketmatic.MustParseTime("2014-09-26 15:24:36")),
 38            Externalcode: "56975647832",
 39            Image: "",
 40            Info: "Lockers available in the basement.",
 41            Layout: &ticketmatic.Layout{
 42                Color: "#112233",
 43                MaxImage: true,
 44            },
 45            Locationid: 125,
 46            Locationname: "Concert hall",
 47            Maxnbrofticketsperbasket: 5,
 48            Optinsetid: 125,
 49            Previews: []*ticketmatic.EventPreview{
 50                &ticketmatic.EventPreview{
 51                    Type: 30002,
 52                    Url: "",
 53                },
 54                &ticketmatic.EventPreview{
 55                    Type: 30002,
 56                    Url: "",
 57                },
 58                &ticketmatic.EventPreview{
 59                    Type: 30003,
 60                    Url: "",
 61                },
 62            },
 63            Prices: &ticketmatic.EventPrices{
 64                Contingents: []*ticketmatic.EventPricesContingent{
 65                    &ticketmatic.EventPricesContingent{
 66                        Contingentid: 1,
 67                        Pricetypes: []*ticketmatic.EventPricesPricetype{
 68                            &ticketmatic.EventPricesPricetype{
 69                                Pricetypeid: 2,
 70                                Saleschannels: []*ticketmatic.EventPricesSaleschannel{
 71                                    &ticketmatic.EventPricesSaleschannel{
 72                                        Costs: []*ticketmatic.EventPricesCost{
 73                                            &ticketmatic.EventPricesCost{
 74                                                Cost: 5,
 75                                                Costid: 0,
 76                                            },
 77                                        },
 78                                        Price: 30.5,
 79                                        Saleschannelid: 3,
 80                                        Servicecharge: 1.5,
 81                                        Tickettypepriceid: 4,
 82                                    },
 83                                },
 84                            },
 85                        },
 86                    },
 87                },
 88            },
 89            Productionid: 1256975647,
 90            Publishedts: ticketmatic.NewTime(ticketmatic.MustParseTime("2014-09-26 15:24:36")),
 91            Queuetoken: 421,
 92            Revenuesplitid: 125,
 93            Saleendts: ticketmatic.NewTime(ticketmatic.MustParseTime("2014-09-26 15:24:36")),
 94            Saleschannels: []*ticketmatic.EventSalesChannel{
 95                &ticketmatic.EventSalesChannel{
 96                    Eventid: 123,
 97                    Haswaitinglist: false,
 98                    Isactive: true,
 99                    Saleendts: ticketmatic.NewTime(ticketmatic.MustParseTime("2014-09-26 15:24:36")),
100                    Saleschannelid: 1,
101                    Salestartts: ticketmatic.NewTime(ticketmatic.MustParseTime(<nil>)),
102                },
103            },
104            Salestartts: ticketmatic.NewTime(ticketmatic.MustParseTime("2014-09-26 15:24:36")),
105            Salestatusmessagesid: 125,
106            Schedule: "20:00 support act\n21:00 show\n22:30 end",
107            Seatallowsingle: false,
108            SeatedChartkey: "",
109            SeatedContingents: []*ticketmatic.EventContingent{
110                &ticketmatic.EventContingent{
111                    Id: 98,
112                    Name: "Tickets",
113                    Amount: 100,
114                    Eventid: 777701,
115                    Eventspecificprices: nil,
116                    Locks: []*ticketmatic.EventContingentLock{
117                    },
118                    Pricelistid: 6,
119                    Withimportedbarcodes: false,
120                },
121            },
122            Seatingplancontingents: []*ticketmatic.EventSeatingplanContingent{
123                &ticketmatic.EventSeatingplanContingent{
124                    Id: 99,
125                    Name: "Name A",
126                    Amount: 50,
127                    Eventid: 777702,
128                    Seatrankid: 1,
129                },
130                &ticketmatic.EventSeatingplanContingent{
131                    Id: 100,
132                    Name: "Name B",
133                    Amount: 50,
134                    Eventid: 777702,
135                    Seatrankid: 2,
136                },
137            },
138            Seatingplaneventspecificprices: &ticketmatic.PricelistPrices{
139                Prices: []*ticketmatic.PricelistPrice{
140                    &ticketmatic.PricelistPrice{
141                        Availabilities: []bool{
142                            true,
143                        },
144                        Position: 3,
145                        Prices: []float64{
146                            25,
147                        },
148                        Pricetypeid: 1,
149                        Saleschannels: []int64{
150                            1,
151                            2,
152                        },
153                    },
154                    &ticketmatic.PricelistPrice{
155                        Availabilities: []bool{
156                            true,
157                        },
158                        Conditions: []*ticketmatic.PricelistPriceCondition{
159                            &ticketmatic.PricelistPriceCondition{
160                                Type: "promocode",
161                                Value: "UGENT2013",
162                            },
163                        },
164                        Position: 7,
165                        Prices: []float64{
166                            30,
167                        },
168                        Pricetypeid: 2,
169                        Saleschannels: []int64{
170                            1,
171                            2,
172                        },
173                    },
174                },
175                Seatrankids: nil,
176            },
177            Seatingplanid: 125,
178            Seatingplanpricelistid: 125,
179            Seatselection: false,
180            Segmentationtags: []string{
181                "tag1",
182                "tag2",
183            },
184            Servicemailids: []int64{
185                1,
186                2,
187            },
188            Shortdescription: "Panda Dub, leading man of the french dub scene returns with a new show: Circle Live!",
189            Socialdistance: 50001,
190            Startts: ticketmatic.NewTime(ticketmatic.MustParseTime("2014-09-26 15:24:36")),
191            Subtitle: "With live band",
192            Subtitle2: "Exclusive concert",
193            Tags: []string{
194                "event tag1",
195                "event tag2",
196            },
197            Ticketfeeid: 125,
198            Ticketinfoid: 125,
199            Ticketlayoutid: 125,
200            Totalmaxtickets: 1000,
201            Translations: map[string]string{
202                "nameen": "English name",
203                "namefr": "Nom francais",
204            },
205            Upsellid: 125,
206            Waitinglisttype: 29001,
207            Webremark: "Age will be checked at the entrance",
208            Createdts: ticketmatic.NewTime(ticketmatic.MustParseTime("2014-09-26 15:24:36")),
209            Lastupdatets: ticketmatic.NewTime(ticketmatic.MustParseTime("2014-09-26 15:24:36")),
210        },
211    },


1GET /api/1/{accountname}/events HTTP/1.1


  1HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  2Content-Type: application/json
  5    "data": [
  6        {
  7            "id": 1269434,
  8            "name": "Bonobo Live",
  9            "audiopreviewurl": "",
 10            "availability": [
 11                {
 12                    "complimentary": 0,
 13                    "free": 815,
 14                    "locked_hard": 10,
 15                    "locked_soft": 15,
 16                    "reserved": 0,
 17                    "sold_paid": 0,
 18                    "sold_unpaid": 0,
 19                    "tickettypeid": 89,
 20                    "total": 840,
 21                    "lastupdatets": "2015-05-29 09:21:10.38252"
 22                }
 23            ],
 24            "code": "864056970700",
 25            "contingents": [
 26                {
 27                    "id": 98,
 28                    "name": "Tickets",
 29                    "amount": 100,
 30                    "eventid": 777701,
 31                    "eventspecificprices": null,
 32                    "locks": [],
 33                    "pricelistid": 6,
 34                    "withimportedbarcodes": false
 35                }
 36            ],
 37            "currentstatus": 19001,
 38            "description": "Panda Dub, leading man of the french dub scene returns with a new show: Circle Live!",
 39            "endts": "2014-09-26 15:24:36",
 40            "externalcode": "56975647832",
 41            "image": "",
 42            "info": "Lockers available in the basement.",
 43            "layout": {
 44                "color": "#112233",
 45                "maxImage": true
 46            },
 47            "locationid": 125,
 48            "locationname": "Concert hall",
 49            "maxnbrofticketsperbasket": 5,
 50            "optinsetid": 125,
 51            "previews": [
 52                {
 53                    "type": 30002,
 54                    "url": ""
 55                },
 56                {
 57                    "type": 30002,
 58                    "url": ""
 59                },
 60                {
 61                    "type": 30003,
 62                    "url": ""
 63                }
 64            ],
 65            "prices": {
 66                "contingents": [
 67                    {
 68                        "contingentid": 1,
 69                        "pricetypes": [
 70                            {
 71                                "pricetypeid": 2,
 72                                "saleschannels": [
 73                                    {
 74                                        "costs": [
 75                                            {
 76                                                "cost": 5.000000,
 77                                                "costid": 0
 78                                            }
 79                                        ],
 80                                        "price": 30.500000,
 81                                        "saleschannelid": 3,
 82                                        "servicecharge": 1.500000,
 83                                        "tickettypepriceid": 4
 84                                    }
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 86                            }
 87                        ]
 88                    }
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 91            "productionid": 1256975647,
 92            "publishedts": "2014-09-26 15:24:36",
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 94            "revenuesplitid": 125,
 95            "saleendts": "2014-09-26 15:24:36",
 96            "saleschannels": [
 97                {
 98                    "eventid": 123,
 99                    "haswaitinglist": false,
100                    "isactive": true,
101                    "saleendts": "2014-09-26 15:24:36",
102                    "saleschannelid": 1,
103                    "salestartts": null
104                }
105            ],
106            "salestartts": "2014-09-26 15:24:36",
107            "salestatusmessagesid": 125,
108            "schedule": "20:00 support act
10921:00 show
11022:30 end",
111            "seatallowsingle": false,
112            "seated_chartkey": "",
113            "seated_contingents": [
114                {
115                    "id": 98,
116                    "name": "Tickets",
117                    "amount": 100,
118                    "eventid": 777701,
119                    "eventspecificprices": null,
120                    "locks": [],
121                    "pricelistid": 6,
122                    "withimportedbarcodes": false
123                }
124            ],
125            "seatingplancontingents": [
126                {
127                    "id": 99,
128                    "name": "Name A",
129                    "amount": 50,
130                    "eventid": 777702,
131                    "seatrankid": 1
132                },
133                {
134                    "id": 100,
135                    "name": "Name B",
136                    "amount": 50,
137                    "eventid": 777702,
138                    "seatrankid": 2
139                }
140            ],
141            "seatingplaneventspecificprices": {
142                "prices": [
143                    {
144                        "availabilities": [
145                            true
146                        ],
147                        "position": 3,
148                        "prices": [ 25.000000 ],
149                        "pricetypeid": 1,
150                        "saleschannels": [ 1, 2 ]
151                    },
152                    {
153                        "availabilities": [
154                            true
155                        ],
156                        "conditions": [
157                            {
158                                "type": "promocode",
159                                "value": "UGENT2013"
160                            }
161                        ],
162                        "position": 7,
163                        "prices": [ 30.000000 ],
164                        "pricetypeid": 2,
165                        "saleschannels": [ 1, 2 ]
166                    }
167                ],
168                "seatrankids": null
169            },
170            "seatingplanid": 125,
171            "seatingplanpricelistid": 125,
172            "seatselection": false,
173            "segmentationtags": [
174                "tag1",
175                "tag2"
176            ],
177            "servicemailids": [ 1, 2 ],
178            "shortdescription": "Panda Dub, leading man of the french dub scene returns with a new show: Circle Live!",
179            "socialdistance": 50001,
180            "startts": "2014-09-26 15:24:36",
181            "subtitle": "With live band",
182            "subtitle2": "Exclusive concert",
183            "tags": [
184                "event tag1",
185                "event tag2"
186            ],
187            "ticketfeeid": 125,
188            "ticketinfoid": 125,
189            "ticketlayoutid": 125,
190            "totalmaxtickets": 1000,
191            "translations": {
192                "nameen": "English name",
193                "namefr": "Nom francais"
194            },
195            "upsellid": 125,
196            "waitinglisttype": 29001,
197            "webremark": "Age will be checked at the entrance",
198            "createdts": "2014-09-26 15:24:36",
199            "lastupdatets": "2014-09-26 15:24:36"
200        }
201    ]


        <td class="description">
            <p>Restrict the event information to a specific context.</p>  <p>Currently allows you to filter the event information (both the events and the pricing information within each event) to a specific saleschannel. This makes it very easy to show the correct information on a website.</p> 
            <strong>Example value:</strong><code>{ &#34;saleschannelid&#34;: 3 }</code>
        <td class="field">
            <div class="name">filter</div>
        <td class="description">
            <p>A SQL query that returns event IDs</p>  <p>Can be used to do arbitrary filtering. See the <a href="db/event">database documentation for event</a> for more information.</p> 
            <strong>Example value:</strong><code>&#34;select id from tm.event where locationid=1&#34;</code>
        <td class="field">
            <div class="name">lastupdatesince</div>
        <td class="description">
            <p>Only include events that have been updated since the given timestamp.</p> 
            <strong>Example value:</strong><code>&#34;2014-09-26 15:24:36&#34;</code>
        <td class="field">
            <div class="name">limit</div>
        <td class="description">
            <p>Limit results to at most the given amount of events.</p> 
            <strong>Example value:</strong><code>100</code>
        <td class="field">
            <div class="name">offset</div>
        <td class="description">
            <p>Skip the first X events.</p> 
            <strong>Example value:</strong><code>100</code>
        <td class="field">
            <div class="name">orderby</div>
        <td class="description">
            <p>Order by the given field.</p>  <p>Supported values: <code>name</code>, <code>startts</code>.</p> 
            <strong>Example value:</strong><code>&#34;name&#34;</code>
        <td class="field">
            <div class="name">output</div>
        <td class="description">
            <p>Output format.</p>  <p>Possible values:</p>  <ul> <li><strong>ids</strong>: Only fill the ID field</li> <li><strong>default</strong>: Return all event fields (also used when the output parameter is omitted)</li> <li><strong>withlookup</strong>: Returns all event fields and an additional <code>lookup</code> field which contains all dependent objects</li> </ul> 
            <strong>Example value:</strong><code>&#34;withlookup&#34;</code>
        <td class="field">
            <div class="name">searchterm</div>
        <td class="description">
            <p>A text filter string.</p>  <p>Matches against the start of the event name, the production name or the subtitle.</p> 
            <strong>Example value:</strong><code>&#34;Live&#34;</code>
        <td class="field">
            <div class="name">simplefilter</div>
        <td class="description">
            <p>Filters the events based on a given set of fields. Currently supports: <code>productionid</code>, <code>status</code> and <code>pricetypeids</code>.</p> 
            <strong>Example value:</strong><code>{ &#34;productionid&#34;: 4 }</code>

Type reference: EventQuery

Result fields

This call returns an object with an array of objects in the data field.


Event ID

Example value:1269434

Event name

Example value:"Bonobo Live"

The audio preview url for the event

Example value:""

Information on the availability of tickets per contingent. Read-only.

Example value:[ { "complimentary": 0, "free": 815, "locked_hard": 10, "locked_soft": 15, "reserved": 0, "sold_paid": 0, "sold_unpaid": 0, "tickettypeid": 89, "total": 840, "lastupdatets": "2015-05-29 09:21:10.38252" } ]

Event code.

Used as a unique identifier in web sales.

Example value:"864056970700"

Information about the contingents in the Event that are not in the seatingplan

Example value:[ { "id": 98, "name": "Tickets", "amount": 100, "eventid": 777701, "eventspecificprices": null, "locks": [], "pricelistid": 6, "withimportedbarcodes": false } ]

Event status

The available values for this field can be found on the Event page.

Example value:19001

Description of the event, visible for ticket buyers

Example value:"Panda Dub, leading man of the french dub scene returns with a new show: Circle Live!"

Event end time

Example value:"2014-09-26 15:24:36"

External event code.

This field is typically set when importing data from other systems.

Example value:"56975647832"

The image url for the event display image

Example value:""

Practical info for the event, visible for ticket buyers

Example value:"Lockers available in the basement."

Layout parameters for the event

Example value:{ "color": "#112233", "maxImage": true }

Event location ID

See event locations for more information.

Example value:125

Event location name

Automatically derived using locationid.

Example value:"Concert hall"

Maximum number of tickets for this event that can be added to a basket

Example value:5

Opt-in set id

Example value:125

Preview urls for the event.

Example value:[ { "type": 30002, "url": "" }, { "type": 30002, "url": "" }, { "type": 30003, "url": "" } ]

Information on the available prices for the event

Example value:{ "contingents": [ { "contingentid": 1, "pricetypes": [ { "pricetypeid": 2, "saleschannels": [ { "costs": [ { "cost": 5.000000, "costid": 0 } ], "price": 30.500000, "saleschannelid": 3, "servicecharge": 1.500000, "tickettypepriceid": 4 } ] } ] } ] }

Production ID

Example value:1256975647

Event publish time

Example value:"2014-09-26 15:24:36"

Queue ID

Example value:421


Example value:125

Time of end of sales.

Used for all sales channels for which no specific sales period has been defined.

Example value:"2014-09-26 15:24:36"

Per-sales channel information about when this event is for sale.

Example value:[ { "eventid": 123, "haswaitinglist": false, "isactive": true, "saleendts": "2014-09-26 15:24:36", "saleschannelid": 1, "salestartts": null } ]

Time of start of sales.

Used for all sales channels for which no specific sales period has been defined.

Example value:"2014-09-26 15:24:36"

Salestatus messages id

Example value:125

Schedule for the event, visible for ticket buyers

Example value:"20:00 support act 21:00 show 22:30 end"

Allow or disallow leaving single seats on their own.


Seated contingents

Example value:[ { "id": 98, "name": "Tickets", "amount": 100, "eventid": 777701, "eventspecificprices": null, "locks": [], "pricelistid": 6, "withimportedbarcodes": false } ]

Information about the contingents defined in the seatingplan. Read-only.

Example value:[ { "id": 99, "name": "Name A", "amount": 50, "eventid": 777702, "seatrankid": 1 }, { "id": 100, "name": "Name B", "amount": 50, "eventid": 777702, "seatrankid": 2 } ]

Event specific prices in addition to the prices defined in the field seatingplanpricelistid. Prices from the pricelist and the event specific prices are combined in one pricelist for the event. The optional position attribute defines where the event specific prices will be positioned in the resulting pricelist

Example value:{ "prices": [ { "availabilities": [ true ], "position": 3, "prices": [ 25.000000 ], "pricetypeid": 1, "saleschannels": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "availabilities": [ true ], "conditions": [ { "type": "promocode", "value": "UGENT2013" } ], "position": 7, "prices": [ 30.000000 ], "pricetypeid": 2, "saleschannels": [ 1, 2 ] } ], "seatrankids": null }

Seating plan ID

Only set for events with fixed seats.

Example value:125

Price list ID for fixed seats.

Only set for events with fixed seats. See price lists for more information.

Example value:125

Enable or disable seat selection for customers.


Segmentation tags

Example value:[ "tag1", "tag2" ]


Example value:[ 1, 2 ]

Short description of the event, visible for ticket buyers

Example value:"Panda Dub, leading man of the french dub scene returns with a new show: Circle Live!"

Social distance type. Determines if social distance must be practiced.

Example value:50001

Event start time

Example value:"2014-09-26 15:24:36"

Event subtitle

Example value:"With live band"

Event subtitle (2)

Example value:"Exclusive concert"

Event tags

Example value:[ "event tag1", "event tag2" ]

Ticket fee ID

Determines which ticket fee rules are used for this event. See ticket fees for more information.

Example value:125

Ticketinfo id

Example value:125

Ticket layout ID

See ticket layouts for more information.

Example value:125

Determines the total maximum amount of tickets that can be sold for event.

Example value:1000
map<string, string>

Translation of event fields

Example value:{ "nameen": "English name", "namefr": "Nom francais" }

Upsell id

Example value:125

The type of the waiting list the event uses

Example value:29001

Small description that will be shown on the sales pages of this event

Example value:"Age will be checked at the entrance"

Created timestamp

Example value:"2014-09-26 15:24:36"

Last updated timestamp

Example value:"2014-09-26 15:24:36"

This type can have custom fields.

Type reference: Event[]

Lookup fields

When requested with an output parameter of withlookup, the following info will be available:

map<string, EventLocation>

Event locations

map<string, PriceType>

Price types

map<string, SeatRank>

Seat ranks