Working with opt-ins

Opt-ins in Ticketmatic enable your organization to manage your contacts in a professional manner by presenting them a clear choice during sales. The result of this choice (opted in / opted out / unknown) will be stored for each of your contacts along with detailed information about the time when the opt-in was provided and through which saleschannel. The opt-in status for all your contacts can be easily accessed in the backoffice enabling you to quickly target the correct contacts based on their choices.

If one or more opt-ins are defined, Ticketmatic will present the opt-in(s) during the online order flow for every activated online saleschannel and if the opt-ins are linked (through opt-in sets) to the events that are in the order. If a contact already exists but the optin status is unknown the optin will be presented to the contact during the online order flow.

Ticketmatic supports two types of opt-ins: optional and mandatory. With optional opt-ins the contact has the ability to opt out by ticking a checkbox. If the contact does not tick the checkbox and continues, he/she will be opted in. With mandatory opt-ins a choice is presented to the contact and the contact is required to select one of the two options to continue with the online order.

Setting up opt-ins

The Opt-ins module can be found in the Settings app. In this module you can define one or more opt-ins that are active in one or more saleschannels. This enables you to differentiate opt-ins between different online saleschannels.

There are two types of opt-ins available:

With an optional opt-in you inform the contact during the online sales flow that they are opted in, unless they check the checkbox.

You can find an example configuration of an optional opt-in below:

Optional opt-in settings

Using this configuration the optional opt-in will be presented to the contact in the online sales flow in the following way:

Optional opt-in sales

Thus by using optional opt-ins the default action is that the contact is opted in.

Opt-in sets

To ensure that an opt-in is requested during the online flow an opt-in set needs to be defined. An opt-in set has a name and a set of opt-ins, as shown below:

Opt-in set

This opt-in set needs to be linked to the events for which these sets of opt-ins need to be requested. This can be configured by going to the settings of an event and editing the optin-set at the bottom right:

Opt-in set for an event

An opt-in is requested during the checkout step of online sales if:

  • The customer is ordering tickets in a saleschannel for which the opt-in is available.
  • The opt-in is part of an opt-in set and that opt-in is linked to one or more events for which tickets are in the order.
  • The opt-in has status unknown for the contact. Opt-ins that have been answered are not asked again.

Managing opt-ins

For each contact the status of the opt-ins can be found by opening their contact details. In the personal details pane an Opt-ins section will be shown if opt-ins are defined in Ticketmatic:

Optin section

For each opt-in a contact can be in three different states:

  • Unknown - the contact has not indicated if they are opted in or out. During their next online order Ticketmatic will present the opt-in.
  • Opted in - the contact has opted in.
  • Opted out - the contact has opted out.

Detailed information on the status of the opt-in can be found out by clicking on the status. This will present a modal with detailed information:

Optin status

If a backoffice user has changed the opt-in status of a contact, this modal will provide detailed information. The backoffice user can even fill in an optional remark to indicate why the status of the opt-in was changed.

When one or more contacts are selected in the overview, you can manage the status of their opt-in through the Actions menu. The Edit opt-ins for contacts menu item can be used to set the opt-in to a specific status for all selected contacts.

By using the public data model contacts can also be filtered based on their opt-in status. The opt-in defintions are stored in a the tm.optin table and the status for each contact is stored in the tm.contactoptin table. The public data model is available in the filters (more info on setting up filter definitions) and in field definitions enabling you to setup specific field definitions, views and filters for your use case.


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