Setting up ticket properties

Tickets can have one or more ticket properties, which are used to store specific information for each ticket. Unlike ticket custom fields, ticket properties are not initialized when a ticket is added to a basket, meaning they retain the value assigned to them. For instance, you can use ticket properties to store a unique code for each ticket, which could provide the ticket buyer with an advantage like a mobility code that offers a reduction on public transport.

Ticket properties can be displayed on ticket layouts and order mails, as well as used in filters and reports. If you’re interested in using ticket properties, please contact support to help with the initial setup and property creation.

Managing Property Values

After setting up your ticket property, you can add or update values for it in the Events app.

Go to the Events app .

Select the event for which you want to update ticket properties, and click on the Ticket properties tab. You’ll see a list of all tickets for the event, with their respective property values.


You can filter this list using the filters on the left, and select the tickets for which you want to update one or more properties. Click the Update properties button to open a dialog box, which presents the following options:


Select the property you want to update. Choose from three actions to take:

  • Specify a single value: Update the property to the same value for all selected tickets.
  • Upload a list of codes: Provide a unique value for each selected ticket.
  • Remove the property values: Remove the property value for all selected tickets.

If you choose to upload a list of codes, a text area will appear where you can paste a list of codes, one code per line. Ensure you have the same number of codes as the number of selected tickets. When applying these codes, the tickets will be ordered by ID, so the ticket with the lowest ID will receive the first code you pasted.


Click Next to proceed. You’ll receive a confirmation of the action to be taken. Click Confirm to execute the update.



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